Goals for the Wristband Working Group

  • To investigate wristband protocols across the Consortium
  • To identify opportunities to align
  • To establish a plan for cross-Cohort collaboration using wristband samples
  • To troubleshoot barriers to sample collection and retrieval
  • To provide guidance to Cohort members interested in wristbands

Wristbands for Exposure Assessment

  • Rubber wristbands have to be “cleaned” in a lab before they are worn by participants. This process can be done using chemicals called solvents or through a heating process.
  • Cleaning the wristbands before participants wear them is an important step in making sure that only the exposures encountered by the participant are captured.
  • Participants will wear these wristbands for about a week before returning them to the lab.
  • The lab will then test the wristbands to see what they picked up from the participant’s environment during a week of wear.

Explore our wristband resources:

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