Goal and Mission of the Coordinating Center

The overarching goal of the CEECR Coordinating Center is to build collaborative infrastructure and facilitate integrated scientific research for enhancing our understanding of Environmental Exposures influencing Cancer etiology, and the genetic, behavioral, and structural factors that modify risk across diverse populations.

Our mission is to provide intellectual leadership and logistical infrastructure for the CEECR program by integrating efforts across the CEECR cohorts, facilitating research activities, fostering opportunities for cross-CEECR collaboration, and disseminating research findings through partnerships with stakeholders.

Aims and Activities of the Coordinating Center


  • Define shared vision
  • Add priority advisors
  • Conduct internal evaluation of CC and make course corrections as needed

Common Data Elements

  • Identify overlap across Cohorts, set priorities, and specify common data elements

Support Research

  • Coordination
    • Assist NIH staff and serve as communication channel with investigators
    • Establish policies for publication, data and resources sharing, etc.
    • Conduct site visits with Cohorts
    • Provide shared resources (literature and funding digests, medical editing)
    • Facilitate NCI Best Practices for Biospecimen
    • Facilitate Steering Committee, Work Group, and annual in-person meeting
  •  Communication
    • Support synchronous and asynchronous communication across the Program (listservs, agendas/minutes, etc.)
    • Develop and maintain public and secure websites
  • Outreach and Engagement
    • Foster stakeholder inclusion in Cohort activities
    • Increase awareness of CEECR through lay materials, conference symposia, newsletters, etc.
  • Career Enhancement
    • Foster career development opportunities including presentations and grant writing assistance

Data Sharing and Dissemination

  • Establish data sharing model and intake process
  • Assist external investigators to access data and resources in a timely manner

The Coordinating Center Team

Amy Trentham-Dietz, PhD, MS

Multiple Principle Investigator

Link to Dr. Trentham-Dietz's bio

Kristen Malecki, PhD, MPH

Multiple Principle Investigator

Link to Dr. Malecki's bio

Chris Bradfield, PhD


Link to Dr. Bradfield's bio

Ronald Gangnon, PhD


Link to Dr. Gangnon's bio

John Hampton, MS


Hannah Johnson, MPH

CEECR CC Scientific Project Manager

Julie McGregor

Research Program Manager

Link to Ms. McGregor's bio

Natalia Arroyo, MPH

Data Scientist

Shaneda Warren Andersen, MS, PhD


Link to Dr. Warren-Andersen's bio

Contact the Coordinating Center
