On August 28, 2024, CEECR Investigators Presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) in Santiago, Chile!
ISEE Symposium: New Cohorts for Environmental Exposure and Cancer Risk among Environmental Justice and High-Risk Communities in the United States
Chairs: Kristen Malecki & Wei Zheng
- The impact of urbanicity on Environmental Exposures of concern in Minnesota (10,000 Families) – Heather Nelson
- Improving understanding and early detection of Environmental Exposures on the development of liver disease and liver Cancer: The Southern Liver Health Study (STRIVE) – Cynthia Moylan
- Recruiting from Michigan’s Environmental In-Justice Hotspots – methods, rationale and preliminary findings (MI-CARES) – Leigh Pearce
- Searching the exposome to identify environmental chemical exposures for Cancer risk in humans: the Southern Environmental Health Study (SEHS) – Wei Zheng
- The association between toxic metal exposure, race, gender, and liver enzymes in individuals with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (STRIVE) – Nikia Smith
On April 14, 2023, Shaneda Warren Andersen Presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting – “Advancing the Frontiers of Cancer Science and Medicine” in Orlando, Florida!
AACR Educational Session: Next Generation Cancer Epidemiologic Cohorts
Shaneda’s talk was titled: “Cohorts for Environmental Exposures and Cancer Risk (CEECR): From Cohort inception to future opportunities”