1,3-Butadiene is a colorless gas at room temperature with a gasoline-like odor. It is used to produce synthetic rubber products, such as tires, resins, and plastics, and other chemicals.
Acrylamide is a chemical widely used during the manufacturing of paper, dye, and other industrial products. It can also be formed when certain foods are cooked at high temperatures.
Aflatoxins are a family of toxins produced by certain fungi that are found on agricultural crops such as maize (corn), peanuts, cottonseed, and tree nuts. The main fungi that produce Aflatoxins are Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, which are abundant in warm and humid regions of the world. Aflatoxin-producing fungi can contaminate crops in the Read More
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that is widely distributed in the Earth’s crust. It is found in water, air, food, and soil. Exposure to Arsenic affects human health.
Asbestos is the name given to a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals that are resistant to heat and corrosion. Because of these properties, Asbestos has been used in commercial products such as insulation and fireproofing materials, automotive brakes, and wallboard materials. If products containing Asbestos are disturbed, tiny Asbestos fibers are released into the Read More
Benzene is a colorless or light-yellow liquid chemical at room temperature. It is used primarily as a solvent in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, as a starting material and an intermediate in the synthesis of numerous chemicals, and in gasoline. Benzene is produced by both natural and man-made processes. It is a natural component of Read More
Benzidine is a manufactured chemical that does not occur in nature. In the past, large amounts of Benzidine were used to produce dyes for cloth, paper, and leather. It was also used in clinical laboratories for detecting blood, as a rubber-compounding agent, and in the manufacture of plastic films. However, Benzidine has not been sold Read More
Beryllium is a metal that is found in nature, especially in beryl and bertrandite rock. It is extremely lightweight and hard, is a good conductor of electricity and heat, and is non-magnetic. Because of these properties, Beryllium is used in high-technology consumer and commercial products, including aerospace components, transistors, nuclear reactors, and golf clubs. Most Read More
A sample of material, such as urine, blood, tissue, cells, DNA, RNA, or protein, from humans, animals, or plants. Biospecimens may be used for a laboratory test or stored in a biorepository to be used for research.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical produced in large quantities for use primarily in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. NIEHS and NTP support research to better understand potential health effects of exposure to BPA.
Cadmium is a natural element found in tiny amounts in air, water, soil, and food. All soils and rocks, including coal and mineral fertilizers, contain some Cadmium. Most Cadmium used in the United States is extracted during the production of other metals such as zinc, Lead, and copper. Cadmium does not corrode easily and has Read More
A term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. There are several main types of Cancer. Carcinoma is a Cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or Read More
In 1961, Cellular Aging was first described by Hayflick and Moorhead. They showed that human cells in culture do not divide indefinitely but reach a limit (called the Hayflick limit) of replication and stop all further division. Cells approach this limit by slowing their divisions and entering cellular senescence, a dormant period. Recently, for damaged Read More
Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) is a new entity in which somatic mutations are found in cells of the blood or bone marrow, but no other criteria for hematologic neoplasia are met. Hematologic neoplasms comprise multiple malignant diseases derived from cells of myeloid or lymphocytic hematopoietic lineages. Its prevalence rises with age and is Read More
Coal tar is derived from coal. It is a byproduct of the production of coke, a solid fuel that contains mostly carbon, and coal gas. Coal tar is used primarily for the production of refined chemicals and coal-tar products, such as creosote and coal-tar pitch. Certain preparations of coal tar have long been used to Read More
A group of individuals who share a common trait, such as birth year. In medicine, a Cohort is a group that is part of a clinical trial or study and is observed over a period of time.
An agreement, combination, or group (as of companies) formed to undertake an enterprise beyond the resources of any one member.
An abundant natural material, Crystalline Silica is found in stone, soil, and sand. It is also found in concrete, brick, mortar, and other construction materials. Crystalline Silica comes in several forms, with quartz being the most common. Quartz dust is respirable Crystalline Silica, which means it can be taken in by breathing.
Dioxins are mainly byproducts of industrial practices. They are produced through a variety of incineration processes, including improper municipal waste incineration, and burning of trash, and can be released into the air during natural processes, such as forest fires and volcanoes. Almost every living creature has been exposed to Dioxins or dioxin-like compounds (DLCs).
Refers to physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and related behavioral factors.
Epigenomics is a field in which researchers chart the locations and understand the functions of all the chemical tags that mark the genome. The epigenome is a multitude of chemical compounds that can tell the genome what to do. The human genome is the complete assembly of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)-about 3 billion base pairs - Read More
At room temperature, Ethylene Oxide is a flammable colorless gas with a sweet odor. It is used primarily to produce other chemicals, including antifreeze. In smaller amounts, Ethylene Oxide is used as a pesticide and a sterilizing agent. The ability of Ethylene Oxide to damage DNA makes it an effective sterilizing agent but also accounts Read More
Flame Retardants are chemicals that are applied to materials to prevent the start or slow the growth of fire. Some of these chemicals are associated with adverse health effects in animals and humans.
Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable, strong-smelling chemical widely used to make home building products. Most Formaldehyde produced in the United States is for the manufacture of resins, such as urea-Formaldehyde, used to make the adhesives for pressed wood products, such as particleboard, furniture, paneling, cabinets, and other products.
genetics is the scientific study of genes and heredity—of how certain qualities or traits are passed from parents to offspring as a result of changes in DNA sequence. A gene is a segment of DNA that contains instructions for building one or more molecules that help the body work.
Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that can kill certain weeds and grasses. Glyphosate works by blocking an enzyme essential for plant growth. The product is used primarily in agriculture, but also in forestry and lawn and garden care.
Hazardous wastes are discarded materials with properties that make them potentially harmful to human health or the environment.
Chromium is an odorless and tasteless metallic element that is found in the earth’s crust. It is also found in air, water, soil, and food. Hexavalent Chromium Compounds are a group of chemicals that have useful properties, such as corrosion resistance, durability, and hardness. These compounds have been used widely as corrosion inhibitors and in Read More
If a cut on your skin swells up, turns red, and hurts, those symptoms are signs of acute, or short-lived, Inflammation. Feeling hot or losing function may be signs of Inflammation from other harm to your body. Some Inflammation that occurs in your body’s cells or tissues may not have outward symptoms. Inflammation is a Read More
Lead, a metal found throughout the earth, has been used in a variety of products including gasoline, paint, plumbing pipes, ceramics, solders, batteries, and even cosmetics. It remains a significant public health concern for some children because of persistent Lead hazards in the environment.